Friday, December 22, 2017

Quotes from the 2015-2016 School Year


Quotes from previous years can be found here: 2013-2014, 2014-2015

Outside my [open] classroom door (which is nevertheless treated like a magical barrier to sound):

Unknown: I think Miz Middling is my second favorite teacher.

Me: You know, I can hear you out there.

Kid: ...Miz Middling is my VERY FAVORITE TEACHER EVER.


"Can I cite my dad as a source? He's old."


Me (talking about the Northwest Passage): ...So they decided to try sailing west instead of east. Because, as you may recall, the earth is round.
Kid: But... is it, though? Because it feels flat.
Me: Yes. The earth is definitely, definitely round.
Kid: Ok... but why don't we fall off?
Me: Well, because of gravity.
Kid: Oh. I forgot about gravity.


Kid: Oh, that's a cool project (other student) did! And that's a LOT of a hot glue. Hot glue's so great. It works for everything. I used it on my project too.
Me: Yeah, it's pretty useful.
Kid: But it tastes really gross. And it can also burn your mouth.


"Miz Middling, where is the pencil charger?"


Kid 1: Where in the book is the map of where all the tribes lived?
Me: Chapter 3. Kind of the beginningish middlish part of the chapter.
Kid 2: Beginningish middlish? What does that mean exactly?

Me, holding up my hands: So if this (left hand) is the beginning, and--

Kid 2: Oh! You mean, like, the brunch part of the chapter!

Me: Exactly.


A child chose the nickname "Puberty Boy" for a class game. Of course.


Kid: "Oh, I didn't see that. My eyes got in the way."


8th grade leader: Ok, you guys have to get together with a partner. This time you can choose your own partner.
He watches as the 6th graders cluster up-- 5 boys together and 3 girls together.
8th grade leader: No, no. Partners.
No one moves. He sighs deeply.
8th grade leader: This is middle school. You have to learn to abandon your friends.


6th grader: "...and I wear more pink than most boys. So, my spirit animal is an octopus."
Me: "You know what's funny? For a long time, pink was for boys and blue was for girls. It's only fairly recently, historically speaking, that it flipped. Isn't that interesting?"
<Moment of thoughtful silence from the class>
Same 6th grader: "Well. You know. I'm kind of recent."

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